What is the Harmony Concert?
The Harmony Concert is an annual benefit concert organized and directed by Maggie Borgen and other teens. We fundraise, advertise, and serve as crew for the event. Teens from Montclair and other nearby communities perform in the concert. The Harmony Concerts are the main events of In Harmony Montclair. The original mission of the concert was to provide teens a creative outlet while allowing them to make a difference in the community. Each year, a different charity is chosen as a beneficiary of the concert. This enables In Harmony Montclair to help many charities in the community, and spread awareness about many causes.
Harmony Concert 2021
Featured below is the program from the 7th Annual Harmony Concert. The program was designed/created by Ben Gevirtz with help from Milanya Navani. (Click on the image below to see the program on Issuu.)
How to Get Involved
Interested in participating or having your charity be chosen for the Harmony Concert? Go to the Contact Us page, and let us know.